Erica ist eine 76-jährige Frau, die an Depressionen leidet.
Matti, ihre Enkelin, versorgt sie und versucht ihre Fürsorge auszudrücken, in dem sie ihr eine Hühnersuppe kocht.
Es ist eine Geschichte über Depression, Empathie, und Liebe.
Erica is a 76-year-old woman suffering from depression. Matti, her granddaughter, takes care of her and tries to show her care by making her special chicken soup.
It's a story about depression, empathy, and love.
was born in 1983, Haifa Israel. In 2013, she graduated from the School of Visual Theater ”Shlomi”,Israel majoring in space design, directing and production.
Between the years 2013-2017 she lived and worked in Tel Aviv as a producer and stage designer in films , theatre and live performance.
She collaborated with artists such as: Shahar Marcus in the video work: "The King of Falafel" which premiered at the Petah Tikva Museum ״El-Rujm״, which premiered in Venice, Daniel Landau’s “Time-Body Study” (360 video work), Noa Yekutieli’s “THROUGH THE FOG”, an installation work in the Wilfrid Museum Kibbutz Hazorea, the TV channel “reshet” and numerous independent productions. She has been living in Berlin since 2017, working as a director and designer in film, video, music video and theatre.
She has collaborated with local artists across Europe in a variety of projects. Among theem are :Nezaket ekici, a performance and video artist, ״the honey project” (Ostrale Biennale), Dresden, Ilya Andreevich Khrzhanovsky’s “DAU” project Berlin, Alice Martin’s music video clip, Nish Gera short films “look baba i’m happy”, which premiered at thee queer Film festival ,Amsterdam, Tim Kriegler’sCircus and ״WILT AND SHINE״, an autobiographical circus theater piece by :analogthecompany, and more.
Most recently, she has filmed the music video “Let me go” by the artist AŸA.
KAMERA: Peter Bromme
Nach seiner Ausbildung zum Mediengestalter für Bild und Ton beim RBB arbeitete der Wahl-Berliner zunächst als Oberbeleuchter an Filmsets. Mit seinen ersten Berufserfahrungen sattelte er kurz darauf zum Kamera Department um und begann an seinem Portfolio zu arbeiten. Bereits in der anfänglichen Phase von HEY NA! stand der Frankfurter uns mit seinem umfangreichen technischen Know- How zur Seite. Heute arbeitet Peter als Director of Photography im Bereich Spielfilm, Musikvideos und Werbung.