A short, feminist mysterythriller by Olivia Stubbe.

A derpy girl is trapped in a bloodthirsty forest and is surprised to find that she feels right at home.”




Visual concept

Starting with the of a high-quality commercial, the film should then appear hyperreal in order to slide into the horror-, and nightmare-like before finally levelling up in a fairytale atmosphere.

Film references include


Derp Girl’s got 20.000€ funding!!

Dear everyone !

We are thrilled to announce that we were awarded 20.000€ by the BKM to produce our little horror- fairytale DERP GIRL ! 

T H R I L L E D.

Like everyone else, we’re unsure when we’ll be able to shoot. As we’ll be a fairly small crew, however, we’re quietly confident that we’ll be able to shoot during this summer, as planned.

So at the moment, we’re primarily searching for Cast and Crew, as well as starting the process of online-location scouting. 

But we’ll keep you posted! 

Stay safe, stay home, stay happy!!


Berlin, April 2020


What is a derp girl? And When and where can I get one?

Derp girl is a short film. It is currently BEING PREPARED for you. PLEASE HOLD THE LINE…


We won’t pick up the phone.


Who still uses their phone to call people?

Anyway. We are busy with pre- production. This short film will be of roughly 10-15 min. It is intended for the big screen, for festivals, and a lot of love and diligence is going into it. This is love that is unfortunately no longer available to friends and family. We’re taking the social distancing very much to heart.

Corona has made changes to our planning, too. The shooting was supposed to be in June/ July, and we’re still optimistic that a slightly postponed shoot in summer/ autumn 2020 in and around Berlin will be possible. At the moment, we’re busy gathering funds, storyboarding a bit, working further on the details of the script and searching for cast and crew. Corona permitting, location scouting, too, will be possible again soonish (see above, where I went scouting in Berlin Teltow).

Also, we are trying to get you, our audience, to know that we are here in the first place. Hi! DERP GIRL is going to be a genre film, and it is for you, if you like watching horror films, fairy- tales, films with a feminist agenda or simply films in which people run a lot. We’d like to take you on that journey with us- because WE’re making the film- but we’re making it for YOU. Otherwise - what is the point?

So- until very soon with news- stay safe, everybody, AND STAY THE FUCK HOME.



Berlin, March 2020




Alexandra Georgi, geboren 1971 in Gelsenkirchen, studiert Germanistik & Philosophie an der Universität Duisburg Essen und macht schon während des Studiums Praktika als Producer- & Regie–Assistentin. Nach ihrem Magister-Abschluss geht sie nach Vancouver, um dort als Producer-Assistentin bei der Filmproduktionsfirma Anagram Pictures zu arbeiten. Zurück in Deutschland ist sie zunächst in NRW u.a. für ZERO WEST (Köln) tätig. Ab 2006 verlagert sie ihren Wohnort nach Berlin, wo sie als Producerin bei der avanti media Film- und Fernsehproduktion neben der Reihe „Durch die Nacht mit…“ verschiedene Dokumentarfilm Projekte betreut. Zwischen Januar 2015 und September 2016 betreut sie als Producerin bei Propeller Film im Auftrag von Red Bull TV die siebenteilige Docutainment-Serie YOUR STREET, MY STAGE – OUTSTANDING STREET PERFORMERS. Im Herbst 2017 machte sich Alexandra Georgi als Produzentin selbstständig und arbeitet an der Realisierung verschiedener fiktionaler und non-fiktionaler Formate. Daneben ist sie ebenfalls als Dozentin tätig. Unter anderem entwickelt sie aktuell, gemeinsam mit dem für seine Serie DER KRIEG UND ICH für einen KIDS EMMY AWARD nominierten Regisseur Matthias Zirzow, die durch das Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg geförderte  live-action Kinderserie ALARMSTUFE: PAUL! und arbeitet mit der Firma Story House an zwei Dokudramen.


CO- Produktion

CO- Produktion


DANIEL HAINGARTNER (*1984) lebt und arbeitet als freier Film/Theaterproduzent, Autor und Musiker in Wien und Berlin. Studium der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie in Wien mit Schwerpunkt auf Übermittlung von Wissenschaft über neue Medien. Gastsemester an der WU Wien und der Univer- sität für Bildende Künste. Mitarbeit als Regisseur/Autor/Produzent bei diversen Kurz- und Langfilmen sowie Theaterproduktionen. Etwa beim Ki- nodokumentrafilm „Anomalie“ von Richard Wilhelmer. dem Off-Theaterstück „Das Fest“ von Philipp Oberlohr und bei der Rauminstallation .stein. von Ela A Sattler.

Im Kern seiner Tätigkeit liegt der Versuch, wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen künstlerisch zu bearbeiten. Dabei setzt er sich mit Phänomenen der gesellschaftlichen Transformation sowie der Konstruktion von Realität und Normen auseinander.




Katja Rivas Pinzón was born in Hamburg in 1986. After a B.A. in theatre and media at the University of Bayreuth, she completed her studies in 2017 at the Art Academy for Media Cologne with a focus on artistic camera. Her camera work for "Mama told me not to look into the Sun" (director: Lilli Tautfest) received an honorable mention at the International Women's Film Festival in Cologne in the feature film category. In the winter semester 2019/2020 she taught at the KHM as an artistic and scientific assistant. She works as a camerawoman for fiction and documentary films in Cologne and Berlin.



@Miikka Pirinen

Valtteri Laurell Pöyhönen

Valtteri Laurell Pöyhönen is an award-winning Finnish composer, arranger, musician and producer. One of the leading young jazz artists of the vibrant Helsinki scene, he is the founder and leader of jazz-sextet Dalindèo and the 17-member all-star outfit Ricky-Tick Big Band. His style of jazz can be defined as “contemporary-classic”: roots in the tradition of Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong while eyes and ears clearly in the 21st century.

He has studied jazz composition in Helsinki, Paris and Rotterdam and lived for extensive periods in Berlin and London as well. Originally a guitar player, he also plays piano, old Casio-synths and electronics. Dalindèo’s 2013 album “Kallio” won the Emma-award (Finnish Grammy) for “Jazz Album of the Year” and was nominated for the annual Teosto-prize of the Finnish Composers’ Copyright Society.

Valtteri’s approach to music as a composer is comparable to that of a playwright or a painter. He emphasises colour, texture and drama and seeks to create moods and ambiences with his music. A so-called “cinematic” flavour is inherent in his work and audiences without hardly any knowledge of jazz music have been known to enjoy his music. One of his personal goals is to tell stories that speak to everyone in the language of jarrzz music. He often draws inspiration from places he has travelled or lived in, as in Ricky-Tick Big Band’s debut album (Berlin) or Dalindèo’s album “Kallio” (Helsinki).

He is currently living in Helsinki and Berlin.


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Ben Packer